In support of the fundamental mission of the JANNAF Interagency Propulsion Committee, ERG staff members have worked side by side with government and commercial counterparts to develop a series of databases and online tools for the JANNAF community. Each of the databases is updated with new information as it becomes available and represents the most comprehensive collection of scientific and technical information on propulsion systems, propellants, and facilities available to the rocket propulsion and greater JANNAF community today.
The Rocket Motor Electronic Database (RMED) combines the assets of the ERG’s standard solid propulsion reference manuals and other data sources to provide the most comprehensive and versatile source of solid propulsion for rockets, missiles, launch vehicles, jet-assist units, ejection devices, test vehicles, and orbit transfer. RMED contains motors that have been qualified or, in the case of selected development motors, have successfully completed at least one static firing of a flightweight design.
The Solid Propellant Database (SPD) contains unclassified propellant data for nearly every operational U.S. system, as well as many historical systems dating to the 1950’s. Most solid propellants are characterized with a full complement of technical reference data, including general descriptive characteristics, identifying nomenclature, applicable specifications, formulation details (ingredients, weight percentages, CAS numbers, and specifications), ballistic properties, safety and stability data, and production status. SPD is updated as new or updated information is received by ERG. SPD is the only comprehensive source of technical reference data on U.S. solid propellants used for rockets, missiles, launch vehicles, jet-assist units, gas generators, ejection devices, test vehicles, orbit transfer systems, and large guns.
The Rocket Propulsion Test Facilities Database (RPTF) was developed as a tool for test management and asset monitoring to support the test manager or business developer, for test selection to support the program or propulsion engineer, and as a comprehensive reference for the greater rocket propulsion community.
RPTF includes detailed information on rocket propulsion test facilities including general test stand information (location, ownership, status, description,…), stand capabilities (thrust, altitude, test article size,…), type of testing conducted, propellants, photographs, facility points of contact.
The Propellant & Explosive Ingredients Database (PEID) contains detailed physical, thermochemical and production status data on hundreds of developmental, mature, and historical ingredients used in propellant, explosive, and pyrotechnic formulations, as well as detailed information on ingredient suppliers and production status. Over 100 suppliers are included. An especially important and useful feature of PEID is the Criticality Index, which quantifies how concerned we should be about present or possible future supply problems. Each ingredient is placed in one of five color-coded categories, ranging from Red (supply and/or technical problems with the ingredient are affecting current weapon production) to Black (the ingredient is not manufactured or used in energetic materials at the present time). PEID also contains Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers, applicable specifications, and basic information on safety, stability and environmental aspects. PEID is updated as new or updated information is received by the ERG.
The Liquid Propellants & Fuels Database (LPFD) includes information on all common liquid rocket fuels and oxidizers as well as airbreathing fuels for turbine and ramjet/scramjet engines. Collected data includes general information such as specifications, suppliers, and empirical formulae as well as detailed information on thermal and fluid transport properties (conductivity, diffusivity, viscosity, etc.) safety and hazards information (toxicity, threshold limit value, NFPA and DOT classifications, first aid) and materials compatibility with metals, non-metals, and lubricants.
LPFD represents the definitive collection of information on liquid rocket oxidizers, rocket fuels, monopropellants, gels, and airbreathing fuels.
The Liquid Rocket Engine Database (LRED) is a compilation of general engineering descriptions of liquid rocket engines and their major subassemblies. Engines of interest can quickly be identified and located using the LRED’s robust search and indexing capabilities. The database contains records for liquid propellant engines that have been entered into service or have been tested in a flightweight configuration. Some obsolete engine units have been retained in the database for historical reference. The detailed individual unit manual forms from the heritage ERG M5/Liquid Propellant Engine Manual, the USAF Propulsion Characteristics Summary (Air Force Guide Number Three, Gray Book Volume Two) (henceforth referred to as “Air Force Gray Book”), and other data sources are available for download when available. These typically include engine design descriptions, subassembly and component details, performance data, development and production history, and engine diagram, photograph, and/or propellant flow schematic.
The Spacecraft Chemical Propulsion Database (SCPD) is a unique compilation of spacecraft chemical propulsion systems. The database includes system and component sections on the pressurization subsystems, propellant storage subsystems, flow control and feedsystems, engines, and the spacecraft in general. Component information includes thrusters, propellant/oxidizer/pressurant tanks, filters, valves, pyrotechnics, and more. Documentation on the spacecraft’s propulsion system is included whenever it is available. Data records for current and historical spacecraft can be searched, browsed, displayed, and/or printed. SCPD may also contain unclassified data on satellites that have classified component or performance details. The database is searchable, allowing the user to quickly identify spacecraft chemical propulsion systems of interest, and it supplies a range of report options, from detailed spacecraft records to summary level comparisons of spacecraft.
Contact Us
Access to the ERG collection of information is free to the US Government as one of JHU ERG’s key roles in support of the Joint Army Navy NASA Air Force (JANNAF) Propulsion Interagency Committee. The US Industrial base and Universities can access this information as well. JHU/ERG offers a subscription service to the databases and library. Contact us for more information.