JHU/ERG research staff operate the Advanced Engine & Rocket (AERo) Fuels Laboratory at a secure facility off-campus. This allows JHU/ERG to pursue state of the art research in the area of rocket & hypersonic fuels, systems, and energetics; including ITAR and applied research on NASA and DoD critical technologies.
Facilities & Equipment
The AERo Fuels Laboratory is a 3,000 sq ft secure laboratory located in the Guilford Industrial Park.

The lab is capable of performing a number of R&D and applied experimental studies as well as prototype development.
- 660 gallons of combustible fuel storage (liquid rocket & hypersonic fuels)
- Ability to produce liquid methane and LNG surrogates with controlled contaminants for test
- Thermal stability and heat transfer testing with liquid and cryogenic fuels at high heat fluxes
- Design and test of advanced heat transfer components for liquid rocket engine and hypersonic vehicles and propulsion systems
- Compact Rapid Assessment of Fuel Thermal Integrity (CRAFTI) apparatus
- Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) chemical characterization
- Real-time mass spectrometry evolved gas analysis
- Carbon deposition quantification
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
- 3D surface characterization of micro and miniature additively manufactured structures
- Materials compatibility test apparatus, NASA
Collaborative Innovation
The AERo Fuels Laboratory has a long history of collaboration with small businesses on DoD and NASA sponsored research projects, both as prime contractor and as a sub-contractor. Contact us to discuss potential synergies.
News & Publications
“Institution-Wide Effort to Address Ventilator Shortage.” JHU Engineering Magazine, 24 June 2020, engineering.jhu.edu/magazine/2020/06/addressing-ventilator-shortage/
McLean, Linda. “Hopkins Engineers Develop a Promising New Ventilator.” The Hub, 23 Apr. 2020, hub.jhu.edu/2020/04/23/engineers-develop-pumpless-ventilator/
“Two Ventilator Concepts Emerge From Design Thinking Workshop Led by Johns Hopkins APL.” JHU APL Press Release, 15 April 2020,
Lee, Nicole. “Making Ventilators Is Easy, but Pivoting to Do so Is Difficult.” Engadget, 22 Apr. 2020,
McLean, Linda. “Johns Hopkins Researchers Aim for Safer, More Efficient Rocket Engines.” News from The Johns Hopkins University , 28 Apr. 2016,
Gruss, Mike. “U.S. Air Force Awards Three Engine Research Contracts.” SpaceNews, 15 Dec. 2015,
Gruss, Mike. “Air Force Funds 3-D Printing Study for Rocket Engines.” SpaceNews, 11 Nov. 2015,
“Senior Design Project: Low-Altitude Unmanned Reconnaissance Airship (LAURA).” JHU APL Technical Digest. Volume 28, Number 3. 2010,